Sunday, July 12, 2015

NBZ Meeting- NBZ Day 7-11-15

NBZ Day 7/11/15
First of all, welcome back to camp! It was wonderful to see all of the familiar faces and reconnect with some faces we haven’t seen at camp for a while. As an executive board, we have kept busy implementing new ideas and working with camp to reach out to all of our past, current, and future members. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the support of the NBZ members- so thank you! For future events, we hope to include more family and alumni to get together and enjoy Camp Edwards and share our love for camp.  
Updates from the executive board:
Camp Director: (Jody) This year we have had around 1,200 campers enrolled with over 150 campers waitlisted. Due to camp being at 100% capacity this summer, needless to say, we need to expand. Camp and the Golden Corridor YMCA have worked to establish a master plan- available for viewing in mickelwright lodge as well as camp’s website. Our last large update was the construction of Hoffer lodge in the 80’s, it is time.
President: (Andy) As a board, we have been successful in implementing many changes to camp including, but not limited to, a volunteer honors program, more membership events, and purchasing materials for the upcoming summers. We also want to thank Al for being a superhero and pulling together such a wonderful NBZ day!
Vice President: (Sophie) Campsgiving 2014 was a fun time had by all in Chicago. Due to this, we will be planning on having our next Campsgiving on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day this year, also in Chicago. Keep your eyes on the facebook page, email, newsletter, and the blog for more information as the date gets nearer.
Treasurer: (Aaryn) We will be beginning to accept dues online through the use of PayPal. The link is available through our website as well as can be accessed through a link on the blog or which can be sent through email by Aaryn. Please pay your dues as a member- these dues are used for the purchase of the materials for the honors program (neckerchiefs, honor keys, bibles, etc.) It costs about $20 to get a camper fully through the camp honors program.
Secretary: (Kacie) Please visit the blog- this is where announcements and dates will be posted for upcoming events.  These notes, in addition to notes from the future meetings will be posted there as well as on Facebook.
Honors Chair: (Cala) As a reminder, the NBZ sustains the honors program for camp. Cala has been up at camp during staff training, educating the staff on the proper run of the ceremonies, ensuring consistency through the years. Also, the countdown to summer bowling event was a success this past year, and we hope to continue the tradition. All campers are invited to this event as an additional get-together in mid-February. Keep your eyes on the facebook page, email, newsletter, and the blog for more information as the date gets nearer.
Membership Chair: (Al) We are continuing writing letters for new NBZ members. If you did not get a chance to write a letter at NBZ day, send Al an email with your letter. A survey will also be posted to facebook with an additional way to update contact information for the NBZ announcements and newsletter.
Neckerchief Update: (Penny) We have a total of 1647 neckerchiefs prepared by 16 amazing women! Thank you to all who helped in sewing and cutting these neckerchiefs for this summer, and next. We stil need help for the upcoming year. If you can sew, please email NBZ board to get your information to Penny. If you want to help, but cannot sew, please join us for project 006 to cut triangles of fabric! Any help is greatly appreciated.
Members-at-large: (Cooper & Alex) Congrats for their hard work in digitizing the NBZ history book. When the project is complete, we will share the information to members.

New Business:
·        If any members are interested in sharing their stories with camp summer staff, please contact NBZ board. Earlier this summer we had David Ziegler, owner of Ziegler’s Ace Hardware (9 stores total) talk with cabin staff about the importance of camp values in the extension of camp.
·        We need more ideas for service projects for those earning their black neckerchiefs (instead of simply pulling buckthorn). If you have any suggestions, please contact the NBZ board.
·        Volunteer Honors Program inductees will be earning their purple neckerchiefs at project 006- Congratulations. If anyone else is interested, or if you know someone who would be interested, please contact Andy (NBZ president).
·        Next year is an election year for the NBZ executive board. If anyone is interested in a position, or has questions about any of the positions, please contact a member of the NBZ board.

Again, thank you to all who joined us for NBZ day. Camp is a place where we have the opportunity to get together and share our love for camp. We hope to see more members at our upcoming events. If any of our members have any topics you wish for the board to discuss at our upcoming meeting, please feel free to contact any member.
Have a fantastic rest of summer!
NBZ EmblemSincerely,
Kacie Swanson
NBZ Secretary

Friday, July 10, 2015


Good Evening NBZ! 
Tomorrow is the big day- and we cannot wait to see all of you! 

Attached the is schedule of events for tomorrow's festivities beginning at 10:30 and going through until 4:00. 

 A couple reminders of some things you might want to bring with you:
- your purple neckerchief
- a swim suit, towel and flip flops
- sun screen
- cash or check to pay NBZ dues ($20 or $10 for students)